Remember, kids, always plan ahead when you need to use a public restroom. Or make sure you bring your crotch fairy. To hold your crotch. God, I love crotch fairies.

Clay is receiving the holy sacrament of our lord and savior, Jeezie Creezie. I hope he's praying for some game, cuz he can't huck and he can't fuck. I mean, if he could fuck, why would he have to be with a DIFFERENT girl every night? No repeat business means no skillz. Mad fucking skillz.

Luke says he's got a story for me. Well, Luke, I'm waiting. But while I wait, I can fantasize about what the story is. Maybe it's about how he refused to use a condom in a sexual situation, or the issue of the condom just never came up. And then, when the whole thing's over, everybody's like, "Oh shit, we are definitely going to have a baby. and AIDS." At least, she's like that. I already know about my AIDS, and if I see a swell in that tummy, I'm going to Mexico. Ha ha. Just kidding. I'm not gonna tell you where I'm going, bitch. How do I even know that's my baby?
My imagination is exhausting.